FAQ - Lab 05: Advanced Git and Debugging

I got the correct merge conflict but still don’t pass testConflictExists. #

If you are failing testConflictExists, it is likely due to a typo in one of the versions of hello.txt from an earlier step. Feel free to manually edit hello.txt in a text editor so that it matches the expected output.

I accidentally resolved the merge conflict before submitting to Gradescope, so I can’t proceeed with the lab. #

Refer to this FAQ entry.

I don’t get a merge conflict in step 7. What do I do? #

Chances are you skipped a step, or did something out of order. Follow the steps again so that your local machine contains a different version of hello.txt than your online repo (you don’t have to replace the files with the exact content mentioned in the spec - as long as they’re different, you’ll get a conflict). Then pull from origin main again and you should get a merge conflict. You can then update the file’s content manually to match the expected output.

Last built: 2023-10-26 18:40 UTC